Connecting iPhone (PdaNet) to the Wii's Internet


WiiChat Member
Aug 15, 2011
Dear All,

I have recently gone to Walmart to get the Wii a few days ago, and I am having problems while trying to connect my Wii to the Internet...
I was wondering if I could use a jailbroken iPhone's program called PdaNet to connect to the Internet.
While trying to connect, it finds the network I want to connect to. However, after I type in the CORRECT WEP code, and select "connect", the connection test fails, and I CANNOT connect to the internet. :frown5: It mentions error code: 51030 (or something like that)...

Is it because the Wii doesn't support ad hoc networking? Please explain.
If so, what can I do? What would I need to make the iPhone's internet work for the Wii's internet connections?


Thanks in advance,
The Wii can be rather fickle when it comes to using certain wireless networks. Considering some routers aren't compatible, I would doubt that a jailbreak-app would work with the Wii either. Sorry to say, but there might not be anything you could do to connect your iPhone's internet to the Wii. =(

You can still try getting troubleshoot advice directly from Nintendo's support website, though. Click the link below, select your country, and click on the "Support" tab at the top of the page. On the left, you should see "Error code lookup". Click it, enter your error code, select your system (as the Wii, of course) and language, and follow whatever instructions you get on-screen. Good luck getting it to work, friend. =)

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