

WiiChat Member
Aug 15, 2007
Wii Online Code
Ok, I haven't been keeping up with much wii news. Didn't they say no online games until next year? And yet, I'm hearing about MSC online and Madden '08.

Are there any other online games out or coming in the very near future? Which should I get? Also, is Mario Kart still gonna come out in 2008, because I have no idea since we already have online multiplayer.
MSC is online, PBR is online sort of, MarioKart Wii will be online 12 player battles. Release date is 1st Quarter '08 so far.
No The Guy was from SNK and He had No Position to Say that. Anyway he Said No 3RD Party Developers, Meaning Nintendo Could Make Online Games. Also EA has More Power over Nintendo than You could Think, they Basically can Do Whatever They want so They are Making Online Games as Well.
Yeah mario kart is comming out in 2008, think it is Nov but will check! Mario strikers - if you have not got it alreadY!
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I can't wait for MarioKart because I love racing games and I love online games.

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