Confirmed Wii hack.


Corruptied Wii Member
Feb 6, 2008
Toronto, Ontario.
Wii Online Code
On the forums someone posted a proof of concept video the other day, that the Wii has been hacked through the Zelda TP game. any1 who is familiar with psp homebrew and such knows what a big deal this is. but for those who dont ill explain in simple terms. Basically what this means is the creators of this hack can now release the source code on the internet and all the coders around the world can have a shot at creating apps/programs for the wii such as loading dvds, customizing the Wii main menu, playing Virtual Console games for free, and for the pirate lovers; Wii ISOs and the list goes on; all without modding.
Anyways here is the link to the updated video playing a simple verison of pong to show it works. (also u can search around for the program on their site and try it on ur own Wii with a copy for Zelda TP)

before i get roasted just realized some1 beat me to posting the update so sorry for double post.
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yup nothing really big yet and when nintendo finds out they are gonna patch it then its gonna turn out to be another psp situation. If u want free games dont upgrade but if u want to play new games then upgrade.
jason416 said:
wait can the hacker ruin our wii?
No, essentially the only thing that will happen is like the situation on the DS or as the OP is familar with, the PSP (not quite sure what that is, maybe if some had sold /sarcasm).

Basically, coders will create homebrew (or original) games only playable if you have completed teh hack. Games like this on the DS are stuff like Doom DS, Warcraft Tower Defense, and non-games like DSOrganize. Cool if you have the hack, useless and unimportant if you don't. Technically, this is illegal, but so long as no idiots put Clinton in the White House, we have nothing to worry about.

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