Computer Monitor to Wii?


WiiChat Member
Jun 4, 2007
Hey i am new here.

I am considering buying a Wii. But i want to be able to have it in my room at times, so i was wondering i have a 22inch Benq Flatscreen-widescreen monitor in my room. Is it possible to use the monitor as the screen and if it is possible what do i need to do it.

Cheers guys.
hmmmm...... by a cheap tv.

If it's a nice comp.....get a tv tuner w/ composite inputs.

Most will say get a vga box. There are many threads already covering this.

the search button is your friend. tutorial on how to use the search.

And welcome to the forum. Read and follow the rules too :thumbsup:
Brawny may already have provided the answer to your question.
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