Can I plug a Wii into my PC monitor!?


WiiChat Member
Apr 30, 2007
Hay guys, Is it possible to plug a Wii into my PC monitor? I got a Viewsonic VA1912w widescreen thing, its got a DVI input, a S-SUB input, and a green audio input.

Is it possible to get some kind of adaptor so it will work with the wii? I cant afford a new TV and like my monitor :cornut:

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HHmmm... looks pretty sweet. I would rather leave my pc out of this :ee5k: theres somehting really really really wrong with it and it sort of screws anything it touches completely at random.

I would rather just have some adaptor so I can unplug the monitor from the PC and then just plug the wii into the monitor itself, dunno what to get tho... or if it will work. Thanks anyway dude boy.
there is something
cant remember what its celled the now
but you plug iit into the monitor and the cvomp and wii and then flick a switch to change from comp to pc

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