Component cable.... worth buying it?


Wii or not to Wii
Nov 30, 2006
Wii Online Code
Hi everybody,

I just bought yesterday the latest Philips 32" LCD TV. It support all the resolutions, from 480 until 1080 (i and p).
Now I connected the Wii to it, and it looks great. But some games I have show EDTV/HDTV on the box. I suppose I need to buy a componentcable, as I am using the standard cable which came with the box (RCA with a Scart conector/converter).

Now is it really worth buying the componentcable? Does it makes such a great different using it?

Any opinion is welcome.

Yes it makes a huge difference. At least it did on our 46in LCD HDTV. The one I bought was by Mad Catz and only cost $15 at Best Buy.
Of course component cables are worth it. I got mine for free with my Wiimote charger at Sam's Club.
rtr1900 said:
Hi everybody,

I just bought yesterday the latest Philips 32" LCD TV. It support all the resolutions, from 480 until 1080 (i and p).
Now I connected the Wii to it, and it looks great. But some games I have show EDTV/HDTV on the box. I suppose I need to buy a componentcable, as I am using the standard cable which came with the box (RCA with a Scart conector/converter).

Now is it really worth buying the componentcable? Does it makes such a great different using it?

Any opinion is welcome.

Of cours its worth it because there may be jagged lines on your HDTV when your playing your wii because its not adjusted to widesreen on RCA cables so buy component but remember when you buy it turn your wii on then go to settings and find the setting for the 480i/480p then set it to 480p and disconnect the RCA cables after you select it and put the component cables.
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Thx you Laurie Lu, Masonb15 and MRCoolGh.

I willgo and buy tomorrow the cable and plug it in!.

Just one more question. If the game doesn´t support 480P (suppose some don´t), do I have to d-select it then (as stated by MrCoolGH) in the menu?

Thx again all of you!
rtr1900 said:
Thx you Laurie Lu, Masonb15 and MRCoolGh.

I willgo and buy tomorrow the cable and plug it in!.

Just one more question. If the game doesn´t support 480P (suppose some don´t), do I have to d-select it then (as stated by MrCoolGH) in the menu?

Thx again all of you!

Nope, that's all handled transparently (or at the game level). Once you're set for EDTV/480P you're set!
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[DT] said:
Nope, that's all handled transparently (or at the game level). Once you're set for EDTV/480P you're set!
THX!!! I can´t wait to get the better result!!!!
:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Quick question.....

I have seen two type of cables in Store:

Any difference?

rtr1900 said:
Quick question.....

I have seen two type of cables in Store:

Any difference?


Shouldn't be (as long as it's for the Wii), probably just different packaging (for different manufacturers) - Component is the specification, so as long as it says that, you should be good to go.

I'm using a generic (branded) cable I got for ~$8 and it works perfect.
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[DT] said:
Shouldn't be (as long as it's for the Wii), probably just different packaging (for different manufacturers) - Component is the specification, so as long as it says that, you should be good to go.

I'm using a generic (branded) cable I got for ~$8 and it works perfect.


I saw the one of Nintendo for 30€, and then from the brand DERTECH, just 20€..... So if they are the same, I will go for the Dertech one.....

Thx again!!!!

" Oh boy, tonight I will see my wii at "480p" :yesnod: :yesnod:

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