Component cable problems.


Isn't here as much
Oct 28, 2006
Wii Online Code
I've searched, no worries. No one's havinga problem like me.

So, I was in Wal-Mart today looking in the clearence isle. And I see these spaced out cables like I saw in component cables.

I looked, and sure enough, there's a Wii set; 16 bucks! Third party, of course.

So I hook it up to my NON HDTV TV. IT's flat screen, though. Glass, though.

So I'm like, "wee!"

I plug it in, plug it to the wii. HOOZAH? It looks exactly the same.
So I guess, "Hey, I bet I need to do screen resolution.
So I go to turn it on the top thing, which is now able to be turned on since I have those cables hooked up.

The second I do that, the screen goes blank.
I turn the channel, and turn it back, and for a glimpse, I see TWO WII MENUS.
Then it just goes back.

So I go and put back in the origional cables. Picture didn't show up.
Oh Pooperscooper

So, I unplug the system.
And turn it back on. Picture, thank goodness.

So, I turn on Zelda.
And I look at it real hard with normal cables, then switch to the component cables.
Looked exactly the same.

So I go to the wii home, and try to turn on the 480p thing again.
Same thing happened.

What's the deal?
But I just think that those component cables were on clearence for a reason.

Your ideas?
I had the same problem, and figured that was the answer. I got my cables from Play-Asia for $10 so nothing really bad about that.
yeah what masking tape said is correct, its nothing to do with the cables, its your tv, it does not support the 480p signal that the wii is trying to put out on it, hence the double vision then blank..
same thing happened to me got the component and BAM screen shakes... but still use them im not sure if it makes a difference but the components are better than the compisites
So wait you HAVE to have an HDTV in order to get 480p? I thought some regular tvs can support it? I don't really care either way. Its just that I was thinking of actually finding out whether or not I need to get these cables for my tv as well.
The same thing happen to me last night. I bought some React branded component cables from Best Buy. Changed the setting on the Wii and got the blue screen with a flash of a split Wii menu.

You would think that having component inputs would allow you to make full use of them... So by having component inputs on my tv, I can't use the component cables?
No. You don't need an HDTV to get 480p. Some regular TV sets (labeled SDTV/EDTV) can do 480p. Just need to check supported video modes.
yeah i should of known my TV couldnt use em since it says in big letters SDTV but never hurts to try... i did a little compare test with the cables and i think theres a difference
My flat-screen but tubed TV thinks it's HD-ready. I got component cables today but haven't opened the package. Should I even break the seal?
I just hooked up the mad catz component cable, put the wii settings on too hdtv mode and was waiting to be amazed. But the only thing I was amazed about was that the picture got worse. The pixels on wii sports around the bowling pins and the miis were awfully edgy and unsmooth. So checked what resolution my tv was in, and it said 720x480 @60hz which is 480p right?

I dunno whats wrong here, but I dont find the picture better, just worse.
alexao said:
....The pixels on wii sports around the bowling pins and the miis were awfully edgy and unsmooth. So checked what resolution my tv was in, and it said 720x480 @60hz which is 480p right?

I dunno whats wrong here, but I dont find the picture better, just worse.

you are seeing 'jaggies' - games that arent made with very good graphics but being seen by a tv capable of showing better quality...
so basically not the tv, cable or the wiis fault. But the standard you will get from games not designed to play at that resolution?

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