Come on, Nintendo!!!!!!!

why the hell would you want to see a list of rooms with the people in them? Who the hell cares about the people? Either you know them, and they're in your friends list, or they are just random people anyway. As Vagrant said, there will be a lobby and the codes are for adding specific friends....just like in DS.
SO much hate here. xD

Here let me pass the peace pipe around and let us all be friends.

I realize there is a hobby, however I am wondering like which has been mentioned, if I can just click a wii friends name and see what game they are currently playing should they be playing one.

Having that feature and something like an instant messenger, you could messsage the person and be all homedog wiggerish and say "Yo G, I see you got dat Elebits, wanna pull out our WiiGats (gats = guns; wiigat = wiimote) and shoot us some elebits" and than the person can respond, save their game and go into multiplayer. (That was an example, I know currently elebits does not have multiplayer online)
This ain't nintendo dude.
Complain to them, it you want earlier releases.
The graphics from online games will look crappy.
xbandaidx said:
SO much hate here. xD

Here let me pass the peace pipe around and let us all be friends.

I realize there is a hobby, however I am wondering like which has been mentioned, if I can just click a wii friends name and see what game they are currently playing should they be playing one.

Having that feature and something like an instant messenger, you could messsage the person and be all homedog wiggerish and say "Yo G, I see you got dat Elebits, wanna pull out our WiiGats (gats = guns; wiigat = wiimote) and shoot us some elebits" and than the person can respond, save their game and go into multiplayer. (That was an example, I know currently elebits does not have multiplayer online)

Mang wai u talk lik dat son.
I wrote an entire diatribe - nay - 'petition' about the Wii code fiasco on another site. I'll post it here for you to check out, if you like.

Yeah. Cos another petition will really make Nintendo change its cowardly colors ;) And I say this as a big Wii fan.

This petition calls for Nintendo of America, Inc. to provide a more usable and
practical link-up system between Wii software, such as the Mii Channel.

The Issue
The current implementation offered by Nintendo requires users to share their
"Wii codes", 16 digit numeric codes, with other Wii users in a manual,
'word-of-mouth' fashion. In order to enjoy online features such as the Mii
Channel mentioned above, a user (User A) has to manually find another user (User
B), explicitly relate his/her Wii code to that user, receive the other user's
code. Then the user has to enter this code into his/her Wii system. However,
this is not the end of the process - User B must also enter User A's Wii code
into his/her system before User A and User B can connect online via Wii

While this may seem simple enough on paper, it is entirely unpractical in
execution. There are too many barriers in a process that, technically, could
be much simpler. These barriers render the online connectivity features of
software such as the Mii Channel essentially useless.

While it may be possible to connect with a few well known accquaintences, it is
unlikely to pool larger connection sets, which are essential to the online Wii
experience. For example, software such as the Mii Channel's Mii Parade does not
really come alive until one is able to link-up with several other Wiis. Not only
is this detrimental to the Mii Channel online experience, it is also,
consequently detrimental to the software's success.

One of the primary features expected by users of the Wii, and essentially, any
current generation game system, is online interactivity that is easy to partake
in. By not providing a solution to the problem expressed herein, Nintendo of
America, Inc. is disservicing its customers' expectations and damaging its own
integrity as a producer of enjoyable current generation game entertainment.

Nintendo of America, Inc. cannot seriously present that a solution for this
issue is technically infeasible. Any user of contemporary internet software
already knows that such functionality is commonplace - even in game systems,
such as Microsoft's XBox.

However, it is possible to present that social issues, such as user privacy, and
protection of underaged children may impede the release of a solution to the
issue. This petition argues that such claims are also unfounded.

Contemporary online services have already addressed the issues of privacy and
child-protection with common tools such as opt-in choices and parental
controls. Such tools are present in most current social-networking services and
software, from online forums to Windows XP. That the Wii itself features a
parental control component to its firmware only serves to accentuate this.

Furthermore, by not providing its own contained system to link users up,
Nintendo of America, Inc. is encouraging not only adults, but also underaged
children, to go online and exchange their Wii codes with strangers on the
internet. The fact that this will very certainly happen essentially cripples any
argument that Nintendo may present about protecting children online. Instead of
providing a more contained and secure system, Nintendo's current Wii code
exchange implementation requires users to initiate personal contact with others
to exchange codes.

This petition calls for Nintendo of America, Inc. to provide a solution to the
issue above, and provides ideas herein for a possible solution that covers the
arguments discussed.

The petition calls for a discovery service for the Wii that will allow users to
find and connect with each other directly through the Wii console. This may be
implemented either via peer-to-peer software, or a central database, either of
which could be delivered to each Wii via a system update.

The discovery service will allow users to browse a listing of other Wii users
and choose to connect with them online, therefore enabling connectivity via
software such as the Mii Channel.

To protect user privacy, the option to list oneself in the discovery service
would be turned off by default. Only those users who wish to list themselves
will be listed via the discovery service. Privacy may be further augmented by
allowing users to agree to connect with any individual user whenever requested,
despite already being listed. This option can be strengthened by such
social-networking tools as peer-review/rating.

This solution also protects underaged children. The option to "turn on" the
discovery service, which would be disabled by default, should be protected by
the parental control component already existent in the Wii system. Therefore,
parents, when setting up the system for their children, are able to deny
anything they feel may expose thir children.

It is not technically unfeasible for Nintendo of America, Inc. to resolve the
issues presented by this petition in a way that also addresses any social
issues. Furthermore, by doing so, users who would like to and are entitled to
enjoy the connectivity features promised by Nintendo for the Wii will be able to
do so.

By not addressing and resolving the issues expressed by this petition, Nintendo
of America, Inc. is presenting the message that it is not committed to its
expressed goal of servicing a wide and varied customer base with its Wii
I wish we all had a unique username that once entered you cant change it and also no one else can take it. Like the PS3 and Xbox online play. Instead we get crappy friend codes. Hopefully Nintendo will let us use our unique username to interact with each other.
I think that if someone creates a server game on any online game. You type their Friend Code in to enter it. Like an I.P address yes?

You make a Profile name. Sorted

As long as you can play people online why moan?

And as for adding people most people you add won't care anyways
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You know, not sure what to think about that petition, but aren't you suppose to provide a link to the petition so people can sign it online? Or is it not an online petition?

I will say that we know so little about how it's going to be setup, so just wait a bit and see what happens. the Wii is suppose to have a lobby, and friend codes are for adding people SPECIFICALLY that you want to add.
Ok for the 6th time.

friend codes are just used to identify a specific machine. for most if not all games you won't need to use friend codes unless you want to connect to a specific person. Kind of like needing a persons IP address.

And to the Petition speds. Youmight want to wait and see how the games actually do it before whining. Because the multiplayer online connecting is going to be up to the game developer, not nintendo.
vagrant said:
Ok for the 6th time.

friend codes are just used to identify a specific machine. for most if not all games you won't need to use friend codes unless you want to connect to a specific person. Kind of like needing a persons IP address.

And to the Petition speds. Youmight want to wait and see how the games actually do it before whining. Because the multiplayer online connecting is going to be up to the game developer, not nintendo.

Your infinite wisdom never cease to amaze me vagrant. ;)
I think what everyone is trying to get to here is this:

We all want it to be a lobby system. Like X-box live. Show us a list of active games and let us pick which one we want to play. What we don't want is a system like MarioKart or Metroid Hunters on DS: "Find X number of random people to play with unless otherwise specified with a friends code"

But don't start making petitions quite yet. Just cool your fires until 2007 when we actually get some online play.

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