Hey i added a few of you

Hey i added a few of you.
My Online Name is bryan.
My K/D ratio is 1.14.
My friend code is 5076-5075-0633
Please except my request to be a friend Lol. and also i might start up a clan and if i do feel free to join.
Modern warfare reflex code:063967646815

World at war code:227862500118

my bros World at war account (he plays allot):532805299455
Hello comrade! do you need a clan?? well i got one for you!! we are the Kill3r Cr3w [KC] and you can be any rank to join!! all you got to do is put [KC] on eather side of ur name in the game then add me and ur in!!

!what we do!

If there is enough ppl on we private match

We invite each other to matches if we need help

mess around for fun

and just fight together!