Cod MwR for Wii™--Your fc for my fc (fc=friendcode)

Hey,so i want more people to be my friends on CoD MwR For Wii™ but i need some friend codes..think you can help?want a good player on your friend list? well then add my friend code (down below)

BTW: i changed my username on cod from .:WarPig:. to WarPig--

My FriendCode:3838-1636-2921

if you wish to be on my friends list you will need to send me a message with your Fc in it! dont forget!

i will accept you as soon as possible(1-2 days top)

please send me a message on this website in a private message,or email me with your Fc to

i will accept as soon as possible(1-2 days)

my FC for COD4 MWR

Hey guys! I just started MWR yesterday, and am already level 14. I don't have any friends yet, you can usually find me on Domination, Mercenary Team Deathmatch, or just regular Team Deathmatch. My name is Sgt.Damien, and its colored light green. I hope to see you soon. my fc is 362899327619.

Hey guys! I just started MWR yesterday, and am already level 14. I don't have any friends yet, you can usually find me on Domination, Mercenary Team Deathmatch, or just regular Team Deathmatch. My name is Sgt.Damien, and its colored light green. I hope to see you soon. my fc is 362899327619.


hi ill add u my cod f code is 4193-4408-2183
and my name is iJaMEsxLEdGe

Hey I hav cod I'm prestige 9 rank 41 so far and I want sum active friends to play with on cod reflex so here is my friend code 031882756178 so jus send me a request and I'll acept it

Hey guys! I just started MWR yesterday, and am already level 14. I don't have any friends yet, you can usually find me on Domination, Mercenary Team Deathmatch, or just regular Team Deathmatch. My name is Sgt.Damien, and its colored light green. I hope to see you soon. my fc is 362899327619.


Guys, now I am level 25.

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