
tank: their final scene took place in Central Park, more specifically under the bridge of central park, proof of this would be the very first scene of the film where it says
(Not Spoiler)

"Multiple sightings of case designate 'Cloverfield'
Camera retrieved at incident site U.S 447
Area formerly known as 'Central Park'"
I've looking around the net and it seems to unanimous that the sound bite at the end of the credits was Rob saying,

'It's Still Alive'

Still on the hunt for this last scene, Monster in the water business
Sorry tank it appears as though you are right, did some further research and found that i was describing the wrong scene, after the scene under the bridge it cuts to Rob and Beth on Coney Island. Now that's all i remember however this blog described it similiar to yours.

The ending of Cloverfield will have people questioning the movie. I've had a couple of people send me questions on one instance in particular. It involves the very end of the movie so please only read further if you want to be spoiled or discuss it.

We have just witnessed the destruction of New York by the Cloverfield Monster and the U.S. Military. The camera that is recording Rob's night comes to an end in rubble and debrie. The tape ends and goes to the footage recorded underneath of when Rob and Beth are at Coney Island.

Here's where something happens that has some people talking. In the distance something big and black falls into the water. I couldn't tell if it fell from the sky or just popped up and went back under. I only caught a glimmer but a few people swore it fell from the sky.

Did Rob catch the first and last sighting of the Cloverfield Monster on tape? Did the Monster come for outer space or was it just there at this time swimming around the sea? If you happen to go see the movie again (or for the first time) pay special attention to this part and see what you think.
Dammit I didnt catch what was on the last scene and I cant even find pics of the monster let alone a whole scene. Oh well *shurgs*
yea I know but im suprised the mosnter wasnt leaked or at least posted somewhere today
Z3wpk said:
yea I know but im suprised the mosnter wasnt leaked or at least posted somewhere today

That is a very huge surprise, I'm waiting for tomorrow to see if someone will put it online so I could see that water part because I missed it when I saw it.
Just got back from it.
And It was really awesome.
I stayed till the end of the credits.
But couldn't tell what he said.
Does anyone know so I don't have to go see it again.
God it was so ****ing awesome I actually might.
I posted it earlier in this thread.
Here ya go
At the end it sounds kind of messed up audio, but Rob says, "Help Us" and I also found out that when it is played reversed it says,
"It's Still Alive"
I'll put in Spoiler tags just in case..

I saw Cloverfield tonight and I really enjoyed it, but I left the movie theater with an empty feeling. For example, Where is this monster from? What venom do his parasites posses? Does the army destroy this monster without destroying NY? Do Rob and Beth survive? etc.

I know this was a movie, but Rob was making me so mad when he insisted upon rescuing Beth, which only put him and Lily and Hud in danger.

I also thought it was dumb when Beth was impaled by a rebar in her apartment, then she was shown running to the helicopter, and then survived a helicopter crash, when any real person would've been dead.

Me and my friends waited the whole 5-10 minute credits expecting extra video footage only to be dissapointed by 'save us' or whatever, but it was still a great movie :p
haha i can say that every viewer of this movei will ask those same exacte questions.

I can pretty much garuantee Rob and Beth are dead.

Rob loved Beth, thus didn't want to die after his brother had already died at the time.

Beth was impaled by the metal bar in her upper torso nearing her shoulder, once wrapped in Rob's shirt to stop the bleeding anyone could still run, jump, etc.