Close Calls


May 20, 2007
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Oh man, less than an hour ago I was at my friend's house looking at a Jeep he was parting out. He lit a cigarette and we started talking about what parts he's taking off. I heard a hissing noise and noticed his arm was on top of a big ass patroleum can. That could have been really bad.

Do you guys have any stories??
close calls eh?....

well i nearly shouted out a secret in the assembly hall

but it isn't a secret no more
I've almost been run over many many times. I've almost drowned at the beach. And I almost got shot... well not really but some kids belived it lol
Last night after the baseball game me and friends decided to go eat at Casey's.
They all got burgers, and I ordered fries, cus I was running low on cash. That didn't matter though, because we got our bills and left without paying. So realy I should have ordered more. We booked it to the train station, and well it wasn't really a close call, just fun.
When me and a few friends did some things to my German teacher (put toilet water in his kettle, fish in his cupboards etc) someone grassed on us and we got a huuuuge row etc, etc, but then we were told that it was going to be down to the board of governors to decide what happens to us.. and who was on the board, the damn German teachers.

Luckily though they only suspended us for a day.. ON MY BIRTHDAY!!

But yeah, we were told we could have gotten expelled or kicked of the course lol =/
1. When I was 7 y/o I fell into a pond and was there for about ten minutes until someone realized i was gone and went to fish me out. I was unconscious but then i survived.

2. On the fourth of July someone left the propane on on the gas grill. and Right wen my dad was about to light it I stopped him and said the gas was on.(we were inside makin sure it would work) that could have ended bad
when I was still a baby my mom forgot to put on the brake on the stroller. we were in the parking lot of some store and she closed the trunk but to do this she had to let go of the stroller. well, I started rolling down the parking lot and i almost got owned by a 18 wheeler. my brother saved me by kicking the brake down and grabbing the handle... good times...good times...(lol not really)
My bud took 2 E pills and he was freakin hyper and loud, and my other buddies were with him smoking a sesh like 10m away from a house, with ppl in the bak yard, i was there too, didnt smoke/take anyting though.

O also that day we went to my friends house wen he was on Shrooms, pot, and poisonous fumes, he tried to kill us 0_o no joke!
paintba||er said:
LOL when I read the title I thought this was about the member here close calling you.


Me too ! But I don't even know him. :lol:

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