Classic Wii games


Crockett an Tubbs
Aug 3, 2006
Even though the wii has not yet come out, wat games will turn out to be classics and remembered for being great wii games.
i think SSBB because all SSB games are classics. Maybe even Wii Sports because of all the interactive use with the Wii-mote.
i hope ALL of the classics will be available. I just wanna play them again
Crockett said:
Even though the wii has not yet come out, wat games will turn out to be classics and remembered for being great wii games.
I beleive that Twilight Princess will become the best Zelda game ever, and could become the one of, if not the, best game ever. Both of the Metroid Prime games are remembered as two of the best games for the Gamecube, so if Metroid Prime 3 beats its two prequels then it could be one of the Wii's best games.
Zelda and Mario's games will be the best game for that console... also red steel... classic maybe a kirby game too
most zeldas become classics. link to past, ocarina of time, maybe windwaker in a few years, (minish cap was great too, and the best GBA game IMO), and it looks likely TP will be a classic. if mario galaxy lives to expectation it will be a classic.
I think that LoZ:TP will be a classic because like what MetroidZ said, just about every Zelda game is a classic. And maybe Red Steel because of its innovation of how you actually swing the sword.

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