Child Demands Pokemon at Gunpoint

Napalmbrain said:
To answer your three reasons to own a gun:
1. Protection: your only strong case to own a gun, but there are countries (e.g. Japan) which get along fine without them, suggesting you don't need to answer violence with more violence.
You suggest comparing too extremely dissimilar cultures as your argument, one who is for the most part self-centered and not interested in loving thy neighbor, and the other, a nation based on community and contributing to the wellbeing of the nation as a whole. Not so convincing. I'd have to say you make extremely weak arguments.

2. Hunting: I think hunting and other bloodsports are abhorrent, so I'm equally inclined not to care.
Try using words that the younger users can understand, (he means disgusting), you being inclined not to care results in no argument whatsoever (you obviously do care one way or another since you find it so abhorrent), also unless you are a vegan you have no right to say anything negative about hunting, because the meat you eat was harvested in a much less humane manner than the way hunted animals are. Also do your find fishing repulsive?

3. Recreation: If you're bored, play a video game or something.
Right... great solution, lets put all the people indoors and on couches, brilliant solution. Your arguments are laughable.

I'm still waiting for someone to explain a proposition to remove all firearms in America that actually would work or that even makes sense for that matter.
if its a fair world i HOPE he gets expelled. my friend got suspended once just for bringing a pocket knife to school to show off to his friends for fun. he was barely on school campus too and he got expelled right away. maliciously holding a gun to a young 6 year old for pokemon cards on school property is unheard of...
blueovalboy7 said:
You suggest comparing too extremely dissimilar cultures as your argument, one who is for the most part self-centered and not interested in loving thy neighbor, and the other, a nation based on community and contributing to the wellbeing of the nation as a whole. Not so convincing. I'd have to say you make extremely weak arguments.

Cultures change over time. Japan used to be full of killing and war back in the samurai era, now civilians are forbidden from owning a gun. I think that, over the course of time, America could learn to live without guns, the way other countries have already.

Try using words that the younger users can understand, (he means disgusting), you being inclined not to care results in no argument whatsoever (you obviously do care one way or another since you find it so abhorrent), also unless you are a vegan you have no right to say anything negative about hunting, because the meat you eat was harvested in a much less humane manner than the way hunted animals are. Also do your find fishing repulsive?

I meant I don't care if you can't go hunting anymore. Oh yes, and I am vegetarian as it happens, and I do find fishing repulsive.

P.S.- If you can't understand the "big" words I use, I'll try and tone it down for you. :lol:

Right... great solution, lets put all the people indoors and on couches, brilliant solution. Your arguments are laughable.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry... Remember when I said "or something"? That "something" could include plenty of wholesome outdoor activities, like skateboarding, football, jogging, swimming, or whatever. You can get plenty of exercise without a firearm, believe it or not.
Napalmbrain said:
Cultures change over time. Japan used to be full of killing and war back in the samurai era, now civilians are forbidden from owning a gun. I think that, over the course of time, America could learn to live without guns, the way other countries have already.
That was war and pursuit acquiring land, entirely different circumstances. As for your argument of course over time any group can learn to deal without one thing or another, but you're talking about wanting it done now which won't happen. If it does ever happen, it will be long after I'm dead.

I meant I don't care if you can't go hunting anymore. Oh yes, and I am vegetarian as it happens, and I do find fishing repulsive.
Hah, oh well. If the U.S. ever does relinquish my right to own firearms and hunt, I'll move to another country that will.

P.S.- If you can't understand the "big" words I use, I'll try and tone it down for you. :lol:
He smart guy, read my post before you make stupid comments like this one. I fully understand your rambling, its the younger kids that frequent this site that wouldn't know what you were talking about.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry... Remember when I said "or something"? That "something" could include plenty of wholesome outdoor activities, like skateboarding, football, jogging, swimming, or whatever. You can get plenty of exercise without a firearm, believe it or not.
Then lead with that, I saw the "or something" but you led that argument with play video games, which is what I went with.

I am fully aware of the different activities that can be performed outdoors without a firearm, but the most strenuous and rewarding activity I've ever done was hike up to 13,000 ft on a mountain with a 50lb pack and a rifle and hunted elk.

Essentially you don't know what it's like to have been brought up with guns, and I don't know what's it's like to have been brought up without them, so I'm done arguing because this is going nowhere.
blueovalboy7 said:
He smart guy, read my post before you make stupid comments like this one. I fully understand your rambling, its the younger kids that frequent this site that wouldn't know what you were talking about.

They can use Google or any dictionary if they don't understand a particular word.

Then lead with that, I saw the "or something" but you led that argument with play video games, which is what I went with.

I thought that you would have been clever enough to fill in the blank on your own. Guess I was wrong... :lol:

Essentially you don't know what it's like to have been brought up with guns, and I don't know what's it's like to have been brought up without them, so I'm done arguing because this is going nowhere.

It's not as bad as you might think, but whatever, neither of us have any experience of the other lifestyle nor do we want to, so I can't see this argument going anywhere either.
Napalmbrain said:
To answer your three reasons to own a gun:
1. Protection: your only strong case to own a gun, but there are countries (e.g. Japan) which get along fine without them, suggesting you don't need to answer violence with more violence.
2. Hunting: I think hunting and other bloodsports are abhorrent, so I'm equally inclined not to care.
3. Recreation: If you're bored, play a video game or something.

Okay Dr. Dolittle, did you know that some people HAVE to hunt for food, as they cannot afford to buy it on a daily basis?

In Japan everyone uses swords not guns, dur? /laugh

Napalmbrain said:
They can use Google or any dictionary if they don't understand a particular word.

QFT. Although, if the kiddies can't figure out how to do that then maybe they shouldnt be on the internet...
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