Child Demands Pokemon at Gunpoint

It's stuff like this that makes me never want to have kids...

Napalmbrain said:
Further proof, as if any more were needed, that whole American attitude of the "right to bear arms" is dangerous, reckless and stupid. Any kid like that can steal their parents' gun and threaten other kids for Pokémon cards or whatever. But what's the betting no lesson is learnt from this incident?
Yeah, so lets make it illegal so that all the guns that remain are the unregistered ones in the hands of thugs and murderers.
Dorkfish said:
****, i was in the office at school see ( school suspension:scared:, its over tho!), and i overheard this kid talkin to the principle. Kid was like a 5th grader or something idk (btw in case your wondering our elementary and high schools are conjoined)

Kid Apparently, in the 1st incedent (2 incedents btw), was out in the hall for being a pompous ass, was asked if he needed help by another teacher. Kid starts screaming at her to "Go the F*ck away!". He gets sent there, and after lunch he gets sent back down. So during recess, since this kid makes fun of people when they miss him during kickball or something, the other kids make fun of him. He runs inside screaming like a madchild "I hate this school i hope it burns to the ground!", Throws all of his crap out of his desk, throws his chair, and starts beating on a kid. Get sent up and starts balling his eyes out "Don't send me up there il get a detention!". Spoiled brat i say, principle said if it was his kid hed smack him.
Epic win. Actually are you sure the kid wasn't named Evan? (My brother)
Chewy said:
It's stuff like this that makes me never want to have kids...

Yeah, so lets make it illegal so that all the guns that remain are the unregistered ones in the hands of thugs and murderers.

Surely the parents have some responsibility. I highly doubt this kid is a saint.

Emma better approve of corporal punishment. Water boarding illegal. PFFT

I Don't Know Which Is Worse...
To maniac - i actually laughed too hard lol, thats just freakin hilarous omfg omg.. ooohh.. ohh, ima watch it again.

To the topic: That kid earned 20 achievement points, he should be proud.

Age before Army: Using a gun before the age of 13
Suicide Kid!: A kid who threatens someone else whilst holding a weapon(S)
1:16 -> the rest of the dragon talk is me. lol. along with whatever the guy on the bed says. THEIR WERE TO PIKACHUS!
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If I was the kid who had the gun pointed at him, I'd take it, aim at his crotch and say, "OK, I'll trade you my pokeman cards for your nuts"....Not really.

That kid is a freak! I can't wait to see what he's gonna do for Pokemon DP.
And this obsession over cards only worries me about what they will do in the future if they don't stop or receive help. Scaring people for cards is hopefully the first and last steps this child takes in terms of violence.
Brawny said:
It's hardly only American...and don't lump a single problem child with an entire country.

Almost every week now I hear about yet another school / college shooting in America. America is also the country with a famous fetish for gun ownership. Coincidence?

Chewy said:
Yeah, so lets make it illegal so that all the guns that remain are the unregistered ones in the hands of thugs and murderers.

So? By that logic, we should legalise all hard drugs like cocaine and heroin, since at the moment most drugs are in the hands of drug dealers, thugs, criminals etc. In fact, why not legalise everything? By definition, if something is illegal, the people who do have that thing are lawbreakers.
Napalmbrain said:
Almost every week now I hear about yet another school / college shooting in America. America is also the country with a famous fetish for gun ownership. Coincidence?
You obviously think you have a solution... I'd be glad to hear it.

So? By that logic, we should legalise all hard drugs like cocaine and heroin, since at the moment most drugs are in the hands of drug dealers, thugs, criminals etc. In fact, why not legalise everything? By definition, if something is illegal, the people who do have that thing are lawbreakers.
You must be joking, if this is your argument, haha, I'm not even going to bother.
Just remembered something I meant to say in the first place, how do you suggest an entire country goes about removing firearms from every household in the nation? Got an answer for that one?

I would never give up my right to own a gun, there are multiple reasons for owning firearms in America, and (correct me if I'm wrong) you have no first hand experience with the states do you?

My purpose for my firearms is hunting, I don't really care what people think of it, I was brought up with hunting as a part of my life, and thus I will not give up my guns. Also many people own smaller firearms for personal protection from muggers, rapists, and other criminals. Recreation is the last purpose for firearms, the least justified of the 3, it still does no harm to shoot paper targets.

Oh and BTW did you even pay attention to the fact that it was in fact an airsoft gun, not even a real firearm.

Also the responsibility lies with the parents, if parents would step up and be responsible the number of incidents would decrease.

EDIT: I'd be interested in Squall's take on this topic.
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blueovalboy7 said:
Just remembered something I meant to say in the first place, how do you suggest an entire country goes about removing firearms from every household in the nation? Got an answer for that one?

I would never give up my right to own a gun, there are multiple reasons for owning firearms in America, and (correct me if I'm wrong) you have no first hand experience with the states do you?

My purpose for my firearms is hunting, I don't really care what people think of it, I was brought up with hunting as a part of my life, and thus I will not give up my guns. Also many people own smaller firearms for personal protection from muggers, rapists, and other criminals. Recreation is the last purpose for firearms, the least justified of the 3, it still does no harm to shoot paper targets.

Oh and BTW did you even pay attention to the fact that it was in fact an airsoft gun, not even a real firearm.

Also the responsibility lies with the parents, if parents would step up and be responsible the number of incidents would decrease.

EDIT: I'd be interested in Squall's take on this topic.

To answer your three reasons to own a gun:
1. Protection: your only strong case to own a gun, but there are countries (e.g. Japan) which get along fine without them, suggesting you don't need to answer violence with more violence.
2. Hunting: I think hunting and other bloodsports are abhorrent, so I'm equally inclined not to care.
3. Recreation: If you're bored, play a video game or something.

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