chewed sensor wire help ????

Bigred said:
just splice and solder them back together, then wrap tape around them.

Not exactly elegant, but yes, this works. I just got rid of our cats because they chewed through the cord, and I fixed it up myself.

You can do this repair without solder. Cut the chewed part of the wire out. Strip about an inch of the sheath off of the newly cut ends. There are two wires, and you need to burn the color off of them. That's right, burn it off with a lighter, otherwise you won't be able to splice them. Don't burn all of the exposed inch, just enough to be able to twist things back together. Once twisted, use some electrical tape or the like to keep things from shorting, and there you go.

I did it, I hated to do it, but it is much cheaper than buying a new sensor bar and it works just as well as it did before...with less excess cord now!
marcie6 said:
Help ! my kitten has chewed through the wire from the sensor !!! do I have to replace the whole thing or can it be repaired ??? can't get through to wii customer service. Have seen a wireless sensor advertised are they a good idea ? appreciate any ideas Thanks !! M:O

At Circuit City they have the Wii "sensor bar" for $10.99 i saw it today. The sensor is really an infrared pointer. The remote does the rest (where the magic lies)
well same thing happend o me but the cat is 3 and very play full but i just riged up a usb cord and put my sencor bar on a usb port i hate the funker thing then i can put a 9 volt on it
If you are a technician you can probably fix it like i have. if not then try to google on how you could fix it. its not that hard i watched my dad do it. he used tin, melted it, cut the wire a little shorter. but thats all i remember what he did.

But i had a puppy. i still let him bite. just if he goes near my wii he knows not to now.
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just strip the wires onboth ends and then put the colurs back toghter and spray the kitty with warter

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