"Check Mii Out" on Nov. 11, but...

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Jul 11, 2007
The Check Mii Out channel is coming November 11th...but honestly, I'm disappointed. I didn't buy the Wii for stupid channels like that. I'm disappointed in Nintendo. Why do they not listen to us? Do they think they know what we want better than we do?

*Every Wii owner says*:
-HD support
-etc (definitely not limited to the above ^)

And we get this?

I'm not mad. I'm upset. I spent $400 or so on the Wii, and i'm not getting anything out of it. I want Nintendo to be the company they used to be, not a japanese piggy-bank. I'm a beginning Computer Science major and I could have programmed the Check Mii Out channel and in less time than they have. I expect something better.

I expect to get flamed. Thats all most of you know how to do. I just want a good video game experience, not play with virtual dolls.
I care very little about HD support, but I do see where you're coming from. I, as just below my Username reads, am waiting for a headset as well. But, we can't just expect it this soon. Nintendo would release it with a AAA title to really get people interested. I.E. Brawl, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing.

The headset will come and I also think HD support will be there as well. Gamertags probably won't though. Which you're just going to have to accept...or buy a 360...
agreed and dissagreed.

the channle will give us more to do but

the other stuff is way more important
I probably should have included that I welcome all new channels with open arms. I really have no problem with this one at all. It looks pretty entertaining.
Keep in mind Nintendo is a huge company with tons of programmers. It's not like they can only work on one thing at a time and chose this channel to develop instead of other stuff.
Yes, but they also have many, many games in the works. From Wiiware to regular games, mixed with what we know and what we don't, there are a lot of games in development. Plus, Nintendo is just trying to meet demand with wiis right now and they are working on advertising. Nintendo only has so many employees.
It's just a small channel for those that are interested in actually using their Miis. Take a deep breath and stop getting worked up over an insignificant channel. You say you paid $400 and not getting anything out of it. Have you not been playing any Wii games at all? If you played at least one game, you're getting something out of the Wii.
I think it's kinda cool. . . not important, but cool.

stupid thing to complain about.

Headset and stuff, yeah that would be nice but i don't think it not existing ruins the gaming experience. Go play some games.
Spyro said:
The Check Mii Out channel is coming November 11th...but honestly, I'm disappointed. I didn't buy the Wii for stupid channels like that. I'm disappointed in Nintendo. Why do they not listen to us? Do they think they know what we want better than we do?

*Every Wii owner says*:
-HD support
-etc (definitely not limited to the above ^)

And we get this?

I'm not mad. I'm upset. I spent $400 or so on the Wii, and i'm not getting anything out of it. I want Nintendo to be the company they used to be, not a japanese piggy-bank. I'm a beginning Computer Science major and I could have programmed the Check Mii Out channel and in less time than they have. I expect something better.

I expect to get flamed. Thats all most of you know how to do. I just want a good video game experience, not play with virtual dolls.
Why did you buy a Wii with silly expectations that you made up yourself?

You bought the wrong system. Get a 360.
If we get more Mii creation features, then it's ok. They really need to extend on the Mii pallete. I think Nintendo said something about making it more HD friendly next year.

A chat channel would help a lot. This is the problem with the US and Japan. The Japanese have a completely different idea on basic online features. In FF11 the Japanese were the most anti social people in the game. Unless you wrote Japanese they showed little to no interest. I credit the few Japanese that cared to chat, but overall they were very fickle, and it ruined the game when it came to getting groups the first year. Another example is Resident Evil Outbreak. It has no voice chat in a game that should.
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About as useful as the Everybody Vote Channel.
i agree with you in every word! they just dont listen.....but nice find thnaks.
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