

WiiChat Member
Jan 27, 2007
Murray Kentucky
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Does anyone think the wii needs a side scrolling castlevaina game for it. I mean just think of how awesome it would look with the wii's power. I would love to see it happen. Play with the classic controller it would be perfect. But hey you guys probably could think of some better ways to play the game. Maybe it should be 3D or maybe it should never be made. What do you guys think.
OHH MAN i LOVED curse of darkness....that was the first game i played of the series....if they make a hack n slash like that it would be GREEAAATT...side scrolling would be good...but i think 3d would be better. i heard they were making a movie...not sure about that tho.
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oh wow man you need to take a step back in time and play alot of the older games and the hand held games for the gameboy advanced and DS i promise you wont be disappointed. And if you have a playstation or PS2 you should try to find Symphony of the Night.
I started it on the gameboy haha. The original grey and green one ;) I was young and didnt understand it all that well. The second game was the one on the gameboy advance. I thought it was very cool.

Well if they are going to make it sidescrolling I want a lot of juicy graphical things on my screen ;) Would be nice if they brought it out. Maybe put a coop in
Aria of Sorrow = excellence
Portrait of Ruin = excellence
Circle of the Moon = excellence
The original 3 for nes = excellence (save for 2 in some ways)
Curse of Darkness/Lament of Innocence = good
Of course, Castlevania 64 = terrible.

There's a good history of excellent 2d platforming glory there. I know Iga has been iffy (according to the most recent NP magazine interview with the guy) about approaching the Wii with a new Castlevania game. He doesn't want to make a game only to tack on some Wii controls.

...Which is good, because when the time comes they won't focus on making a game for the motion-sensitive controls, but make a great game for a great system, regardless of what control setup they use. I think that if they go 2d, they should utilize the Classic Controller. If they make another attempt at 3d (which this is a great system to do that on,) then they should attempt to implement some light usage of the Wii-specific controls.

Either way, this is one of the best franchises in gaming history, and it's debut on the Wii deserves to have a lot of thought and consideration.
indiemike said:
The original 3 for nes = excellence (save for 2 in some ways)

i loved simon's quest! loved the open exploration of that one. searching the game to find parts of dracula, so you can build him and then destroy him ftw!

also loved dracula's curse, probably more... but i would hope a new 3D wii castlevania game, would incorporate an open exploration kind of layout.

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