Cant W8 For Resident Evil 5. But is anybody else P***ED off that it aint on Wii

I don't mind because I am enjoying going back and playing RE4 on my wii, but RE5 would be awesome, and I would love to see it on wii.
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  • #17
RE4 boulders so hard that it would be hard for RE5 to rock harder but it probably will be a volcano But it wont be Volcano'ing Wii intstead Wii gets Pebbled by RE Umbrella chronicles

P.S Pebble's rock tiny bit
Stone's rock a little bit
Rock's rock a lot
Boulder's Rock soo hard it hurts
Volcano's Rock so great that it anhialates the earth
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A wii version would sell like hot cakes. Anything mentioned about RE4 on these forums and within 2 days theres over 200 posts lol.
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  • #19
RE4 boulders so hard that, it would be hard for RE5 to rock harder, but RE5 will probably be a volcano, But it wont be Volcano'ing Wii, intstead Wii gets Pebbled by RE Umbrella chronicles

P.S Pebble's rock tiny bit
Stone's rock a little bit
Rock's rock a lot
Boulder's Rock soo hard it hurts
Volcano's Rock so great that it anhialates the earth
I've still got a lot of work to do on RE4!! (2-2) So with any luck by the time I'm finished the 5th might be making its way to the Wii! Or maybe not :(:mad:
daviduk200 said:
maybe they will do like a year later they may port it over who knows
its not as simple as "porting over" theyd have to recreate the whole game probably using the RE4 engine.
You know after they see that it's a big hit on the Wii I'm sure they release it for the Wii. Quite frankly I'm pretty excited about Chronicles. Saw the trailer in RE4 and it was totally tits.
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I suppose but i personally couldnt care less if they dulled down the graphics for the wii version graphics are not in anyway neccesary to be good for me.

and personalls UC looks crap in my opinion, actuall no it looks good, but hate on rail shooters they suck they feel like a very limeted game to me
i agree UC looks very diassapointing i wish we could get a decent full game like RE5 instead of a limited On the rails.

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