Can't transfer channels from old Wii to my new one!


WiiChat Member
Apr 14, 2013
Hey, I'm new to this forum and I needed answers to this problem I have been having. My family has has a Wii for a while, we played games, downloaded channels, etc... But occasionally, the Wii stopped reading discs. ALL of the discs. With all of these games our parents bought practically going to waste, instead of taking the Wii in to be fixed, they decided to buy a new one. Now the new Wii is in the living room, and the old Wii is in the kitchen since my parents like to watch Netflix. Now, regarding the data from the old Wii, I tried to transfer it to the new one. And it worked fine, the DATA at least. But when I tried to transfer the channels to the new Wii, it said it can't. I put the channels on an SD card, thinking I could do the same thing that I did with the game data, but no. Apparently, even on a SD card, channels can only be played one the EXACT Wii that you bought them on. My parents spent their money buying these Wii Points cards, and now all that money is wasted. And to top it off (and it's not my parents fault) the new Wii is model NUS-101, or in others words, NO GAMECUBE PORTS!!!. Is NOT backwards compatible. My question is, is there ANY WAY (other than hacking) to get channels (not game memory, the LITERAL channels) moved from one Wii console to another Wii console. I have an SD card, so just so you know my options. But the only thing I'm limited to is NO hacking. Please, help me GET MY MONEY'S WORTH of Mario Kart 64, Mega Man 2, Punch Out!!!, Paper Mario, and Super Mario Bros. 3. And thank you.
Sadly, Nintendo made it so that virtual console games (stored as channels) can't be transferred from one Wii to another, since that would certainly put a hamper in their virtual console profits. As such, I'm relatively confident that there's no way to transfer those channels to your parents' new Wii. Sorry to say. =(

Of course, there's a small chance I might be wrong, so give Nintendo a call and ask 'em directly. You'll find their number at the bottom of the page, via the "Contact Us" link.
Nintendo does not really offer a method of transferring channel licenses to another Wii (just to the Wii U, and once). If you call support they may be able to work something out, but I doubt it would be free (or cheap). My Wii's disk drive was going, and I just ended up upgrading to a Wii U and transferred everything over. I'm still undecided if I'm happy with it or not, but I'll be getting Lego City in the next little while.

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