Can't find Guitar Hero.


WiiChat Member
Jan 1, 2007
Has anyone seen Guitar Hero III in stores since Christmas? I was going to buy it using a Simon gift card I got for Christmas, but everyone is sold out. This is like last year with the Wii all over again. *sigh*

BTW, don't ever buy someone a Simon gift card. You can't redeem it for cash or even add money to it, so my $50 card is pretty much useless for buying GHIII online.
I haven't seen it. I do recall reading something about how the sound was in mono rather than stereo, maybe they're redoing it and hopefully we'll get a new release of it soon!

i haven't seen any since a few days before christmas. but i did hear they were redoing it. maybe that's why we haven't see them yet. or maybe stores haven't gotten in a new shipment since before christmas.

i know some time in early 08 they are going to start selling the guitars seperately as well as the bundles.

no more having to buy two bundles to play two player. lol
I'm lucky. I went to buffalo, and found last one in EB games.
And they take so long to come back in stock^^.
allisonv7 said:
How's the sound on it? I'm thinking about just going ahead and getting it if I see one in-store.

The sound and music is pretty great. I hope you find one! Good luck.
Really depends where you live.
i got mine at a gamestop the day after christmas. they only had like 10 in stock (like 3 for wii).

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