Cannot select EDTV/HDTV TV Type




Within the TV Type settings on my Wii, I cannot select the "EDTV/HDTV (480p)" option. It's greyed out.

Will this only be enabled once my Component AV cable is plugged in? I'm awaiting delivery for it.


Daren said:
Will this only be enabled once my Component AV cable is plugged in? I'm awaiting delivery for it.

Yes. The Component cable jumpers a few of the pins on the back of the Wii that enable the 480p output. You cannot do 480p with the standard composite cable. As soon as you plug in the component cable, the option will light up. No reboot necessary even.
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Nice one, thanks for that guys.

I was beginning to think that my Wii was faulty :p
Well, composite and S-video don't support 480p any way so however the Wii knows, you do need the component video pack to make it work.

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