Can you play games online with ppl? (wii)


WiiChat Member
May 29, 2007
STILL trying to figure out how to connect to the internet but can you play games with other ppl?
If you're in the UK, Mario Strikers: Charged has been released (May 25th). That game is the Wii's 1st online game and yes, you can challenge other people via the internet (Wi-Fi). If you're in th US, nothing is out yet. Hope you can get your internet working. If you're using an Airport Extreme Base Station, I could help you if you'd like. :yesnod:
I think you can but the only game that has online compatability right now is the that stupid pokemon game which i believe came out yesterday. Or next month. I dont rlly remember but i dont relly care either.
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Im actually in Canada and i have no idea what a Airport Extreme Base Station
is lol
well pokemon revolution comes out in a month no a few days ago. but it will be the first US online game... im not sure about Canada but i imagine it would be the same but then i again i am not sure. But yeah it should be just about a month... and are you having problems getting online i can help with that too
lol its no surprise that the Wii doesnt have online multiplayer. Dont expect too many games to feature this.
Lethal said:
lol its no surprise that the Wii doesnt have online multiplayer. Dont expect too many games to feature this.

actually give it a year, and quite a few online multiplayers will be out for the Wii
i for one am tired of people asking if they can play other people online yet...

use the search button or do some research on your own...not difficult
i agree, this has been discussed more than people have eaten pizza
For those of you US users who couldn't wait - don't complain about the lag in Mario Strikers because the current versions of the game are connecting to the servers in Europe instead of the US servers.

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