Can we stop killing please?

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₪ ۩ ₪
Nov 5, 2006
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Wii Online Code
Could we not make unecessary threads with no point, or redundant threads?

This way's bandwidth stops getting owned to where it's nearly impossible to browse the forums?

There are at least 10 threads about wiconnect24.

If you get your wii on the internet but can't get to the service agreement screen, disable wep key and make sure ur router has it's latest firmware.
Why advise people to disable their wireless security and leave their network wide open?

If they can get their Wii to connect, then disabling WEP will make no difference apart from increasing their vulnerability.

Confused as to why you'd suggest this?........or have I totally missed the point?
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Samster said:
Why advise people to disable their wireless security and leave their network wide open?

If they can get their Wii to connect, then disabling WEP will make no difference apart from increasing their vulnerability.

Confused as to why you'd suggest this?........or have I totally missed the point?

Because you can re-enable wep on your router after you finish the license agreement policy acceptance on wii? And because some routers have issues with devices connecting to them when it is wep encrypted, whether it be with a specific key or what not.

And I am not sure why you are speaking of "vulnerability." It would only be vulnerable in the sense that people nearby could connect to there router.

Which wouldn't even matter because on most routers you can set up mac address filtering.
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wikada said:
Do Wii's have MAC adresses because my router is told to find certain MAC adresses and block out all other computers.

Yes, it has a mac address. You can see the mac address either by viewing connected devices in your router menu, or by going into your wii settings. I believe it's listed with the friend code.
Thanks. I'm planning on getting one so that was good to know... didn't want it all bugged up because I couldn't get it on my router.

BlightedArt said:
Off topic, but wikada should change his sig to be quoted by "Wiinston churchill".

Just so you know, i put the "ii" in noises that sound like "ee", like, I don't know, Nintendo Wii
i agree, theres plenty of topics that have been brought up time after time. people need to either read the manual or search the forum. and mods need to make a FAQ thread to stop all the n00b questions.
frontsidefish said:
I think if people stopped using the word OFFICIAL so liberally, then mods could assign OFFICIAL threads for specific subjects, sticky them, and delete any unnecesary ones.
Yes mods should do that.
Where are the mods !?
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