Can We Get This Idiot Banned?

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No.1 Smurf
Dec 5, 2006
Wii Online Code
Of course Im talking about NotSoMightyMike

His name says it all. Here are some of his posts, Remember we're on a Wii forum...

Wii's Negative area - Everything! The Gameplay controls suck, no online multiplayer, additional hardware required for Backwards Compatability, and the Wii Shop Channel is a joke!

Ok, let's end this crap. I don't like Wii

Don't listen to what these guys say. Nintendo Wii is the worse gaming console ever! If you buy one, you'll regret it!

Wii has got to be handsdown, the worse console I've ever had the displeasure of owning! The Wiimote to control the gameplay is complete garbage! And the Backward Compatability is a joke! You need a GameCube Controller, and GameCube Memory to play & save gamecube data! What the hell was Nintendo thinking?! I'll stick with my XBox360 & PlayStation 3, and will flush the Nintendo Wii down the toilet for the miserable piece of crap it is!

Can this member be banned please...
I mean you don't come on to a Wii Forum and insult the console the website is for....

NotSoMightyMike You are

A: REALLY REALLY Bored and SERIOUSLY need to get a life

B: A total idiot who is probably looking at pr0n at the same time you read this. And I don't mean the good kind. Yeah people im talking about Old Fetish pr0n.

Last Word From Me?: Always!

Nice thread, actually it's probably the best thread i've ever seen. I want him banned also
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