Can VC games / saves be recovered after reformat?


WiiChat Member
Jan 5, 2007
Wii Online Code
I finally recieved a replacement router yesterday and, wonder of wonders, it's actually working. However, when I try to update my Wii, it just freezes on the update screen and doesn't make any progress, although the little blue spinny thing in the corner is still going.

I know that my wireless connection works (at least to a large extent) because I can still send and recieve messages and miis, use the shop and weather channels and surf the web. Earlier, when my router wasn't working, I used the Nintendo USB Wifi dongle with modified drivers as a Soft AP, which is how I was able to connect to the internet, although it stopped working when I was connecting to the internet from my computer via my non-WiFi router (this was while I was waiting for a replacement WiFi router to arrive).

Well, anyway, I've also tried connecting to the internet with the Wii using the WiFi dongle, and it works alright, but it freezes in the same place as with my proper router when I try to update.

I suspect that the last firmware update I downloaded (2.1E) may be the problem, so I'm considering reformatting my Wii. I'm worried, though, that if I do this I won't be able to re-download my VC games (NES Zelda, Gunstar Heroes and Bonk's Adventure, so important stuff), and that I also won't be able to transfer save files back onto the Wii from an SD card.

So, my question, as you've probably guessed by now, is this: if I reformat my Wii's memory, will I be able to recover my game saves and VC games? Also, is there any way that I can recover all my messages and Miis?
I can't say for sure since I've never reformatted my Wii, but unless your Wii code changes, your VC games/saves should still work on it. You'd have to back them up on an SD card, of course. I don't think there's any way to keep your messages...Miis...not sure as well, sorry :sad:

Where is it freezing, and how long have you left your Wii on when it's "frozen?"
You can redownload them since your Wii keeps the same serial number. Or you can put them on a SD card.
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Thanks. And, well, it isn't exactly frozen, since everything's still chugging along and the Wii hasn't actually seized up as such - it just refuses to begin the upload. Musn't be able to make a connection to the Ninty servers, or something.

Anyway, it's sorted-ish now since I ended up nicking my neighbour's WiFi connection which appeared conveniently today and I used that to perform the upload. I'm going to call Nintendo tomorrow and find out why I can't do it with my router, though.

Again, thanks for your help.
All data can be recovered from a hard drive. However without the right tools it would be an impossible task. You can always ask the FBI. I hear they specialize in that stuff now.
csiguy4u said:
I thought you are trying to update the Wii, which is a download. If you are trying to upload something you need explain what and where to, otherwise we can't help you.

Don't confuse the man with your correct terminology!

(He was trying to update the Wii, but used the word "upload" instead of "download," which tends to happen when you're not a nerd and/or techie)
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Actually, I'm a big nerd and a semi-techie. However, I've inherited the unfortunate trait of mixing words up and meant to say 'update,' but instead said 'upload'. (They both begin with 'up', and obviously the association is there in that the update is a download, which, like the word 'upload', ends in '-load.')

Sorry :D

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