Can Someone Please Help Me


WiiChat Member
Dec 29, 2006
It's prolly a dumb question, but I just got my Wii, and noticed the USB plug...

Now I know on XBOX 360 you can plug in your iPod via USB and listen while playing...

I tried it on my Wii and nothing happened.

Can anyone tell me if this is possible and if so what do I do?
I dont think the wii supports anykind of mp3 player integration yet. Not sure what else it would be used for besides the wifi hookup.
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when I plugged in my iPod, it charged, but nothing else...

oh well.
B_Diehl said:
It's prolly a dumb question, but I just got my Wii, and noticed the USB plug...

Now I know on XBOX 360 you can plug in your iPod via USB and listen while playing...

I tried it on my Wii and nothing happened.

Can anyone tell me if this is possible and if so what do I do?

If you had used the search feature of the WiiChat forum (it's on the right colmn of this page) you would have found that The Wii does NOT support any USB devices at the moment (other than for the purpose of recharging).

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