Can I connect the Wii to my computer?

I use a hauppauge (spelling probably butchered) TV adaptor. It can hook up my Wii using the RCA cables. I usually leave it hooked to my TV, but I need to hook it up to my computer again to get some better screen shots of MySims town.
that is awsome. wish i could do it too. hey sirgrim show me some screens of your my sim town
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d4mahern said:
Yea you can do it here read this:

p.s. how do you not have a tv, but you do have a brand new macbook pro?

for the simplest of reasons: I don't watch an awful lot of tv! :) I watch tv for an hour or two when I'm visiting my parents but other than that I'm not really a tv-guy ... and I need the macbook for work since I'm a web developer! ;)

thanks to all of you guys, I may give on of those vga-converters a chance!


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