
the on;ly true camping spot that i've found was in CoD5 for wii in cliffside place at the thing that looks like a castle its awesome i had rocket launcher and killed 3 unsuspecting basteerds in one shot thats the only true camping spot i've found
People who play c.o.d. have turned anything helpful in the game into a thing only noobs use. Why call people noobs instead of finding ways to kill campers and noob tubers? im not saying i camp or noob tube, but i think people should be able to use whatever they can.
Well at the end of the day if cheap tactics = Win I say use them.
I out cheesed the cheesy one (Seth) on Super Street Fighter 4 with E honda on hard
Get close
Arse press grab
Walk towards
Arse press grab as getting up
Walk towards
Arse press grab as getting up
Repeat till perfect

Easy win

Granted thought its a bit different in FPS games
Camping and newbtubes are perfectly fine. If you're an idiot and don't know how to look for claymores in a house or how to notice a guy useing a newbtube and not stand right in front of him than you fail anyway.

Besides, camping blows. I always notice someone camping and they're the first person I run to if they kill me. (looking for claymores and shooting them ofcourse)
All those things are completely fair because ANYONE CAN USE THEM! And as for claymores and noobtubes, you only get 2 of each, so it's not like they're unstoppable. If you find the two claymore or dodge the two noobtubes, it's all good from there :D
no becuz then those gaes kill themselves for more ammo i almost do that but i dont (i sometimes do it for frags cuz im a masters chef)so anywaysn00bs r n00bs until their icon arent red anymore
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no becuz then those gaes kill themselves for more ammo i almost do that but i dont (i sometimes do it for frags cuz im a masters chef)so anywaysn00bs r n00bs until their icon arent red anymore

Grenades are completely fine. Because, they're harder to kill people with. I love grenades, C4, and claymores(not for camping).

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