Camp for Wii?

Camping for Wii?

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deity_link said:
I don't reckon there'll be lines down at my local store. I'll just look like an idiot if I do. So I developed a master plan I'll just drive down five minutes before the store opens, be the only one eargly jumnping around outside then make a big deal about running thorugh the stoe to reach the Wii and push imaginary people out of my way and spear tackle the first other custmor I see and scream "I'm getting the first one tubby" and run u[ to the counter and say "now" and hand over the money and run home (although there was a perfectly good car waiting in the car park) run up the steps to my house trip, causing to fly out of my hands hit my door and tear the box which opens and the Wii falls out and breaks. I scream and realise I'm still asleep in my tent outside the store. (Phew that took awhile)

Im stealing that
I live in a descent sized city. I do agree that it would look dumb for just a few people to camp out in a small town, but if it's a lot of people, then it's only moderately stupid.

PS. Dragon M3D, I may just do the same thing. When I got my DSlite on release day, I was the only one in the store. I also just happen to live close enough to the local EB to walk home!
registerednerd said:
I live in a descent sized city. I do agree that it would look dumb for just a few people to camp out in a small town, but if it's a lot of people, then it's only moderately stupid.
I can agree with that
Just rember who created this crazy story about my advetnure to get the wii and no it doesn't bother me that your using it
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annnnd just for the record that was spontaneously written so there wasn't much effort in it, I was really just rambling on and on and on
I decided to fix up the master plan and add to it a little so here it is (again) you’ll notice it’s a lot longer than it was before, I just went nuts (you’ll notice a lot more attention paid to grammar (still minimal though) and there’s even paragraphs now WOW!)

I developed a master plan on how to get my Wii. I'll drive down five minutes before the store opens, be the only one eagerly jumping around outside then make a big deal about running through the store to reach the Wii and push imaginary people out of my way and spear tackle the first other customer I see and scream "I'm getting the first one tubby" and run up to the counter and say "now" and hand over the money and he takes it and gives me a receipt and I whack him across the face a couple of times and say "that took to long you stupid college drop out!" I bolt out of the store knocking as many stands as possible over as I run as to make sure no one follows me. I run out of the store and begin to run home (although there was a perfectly good car waiting in the car park).

I run along the side of the road a car honks its horn so I bend down and pick up a rock and throw it at the car which spontaneously blows up causing a giant pile up of thousands of cars and trucks to pile up on the road. A taxi driver calls out "you crazy kid" but I run faster I jump up onto the train tracks, I spy a train coming. I drop a coin on the tracks then run faster and jump onto to the top of the train run along the top and jump off just as it runs over the coin causing it to de-rail and crash and explode into millions of piece. But I still keep on running. I am at the bottom of my street I begin to run up the hill a car comes down I run at it, it swerves out of the way and crashes into a house an blows up.

I reach my house and run up the steps to my house trip, causing the box contain the Wii to fly out of my hands hit my door and tear and the Wii falls out and breaks then a guy comes and rubs his foot in it. I scream, the scream fills my head I toss and turn only then to come to realize I'm still asleep in my sleeping bag in my tent which is set up outside the store.
I know I just got a knack for stupid stories

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