call of duty or red steel?????

my friend purchased both Red Steel and CoD3. He says CoD3 is 10x better then RS but really short. CoD3 would be soo much better if it had online MP
I heard CoD3 was really fun and the controls were great. If I had to choose, that would be my choice. But this is only based on reviews.
Wow, why does everyone hate CoD3? I don't have red steel, but CoD3 is really fun for me. The controls are awesome.
I like the fact that in Call of Duty 3 you can change the controls to make it just like a FPS on the PC.

On that note, Im waiting for that new far cry to come out. The people who have tested it say it plays really really well, even though it looks like butt.
red steel is great. you just have to play more then 10mins of it. reminds me of playing area 51 back in the days. its a great game funny how alot of people hate it yet dont play more then 10-15min of it :p i would get red steel
Red Steel is bad, don't buy it. Just wait for Far Cry, even though the graphics wont be near as good as the PC version
Go with Red Steel! It is has a better variety of environments compared to war destroyed field, war destroyed building, and war destroyed vehicles.
COD 3 is awesome IMO. If you want to try it out for yourself, go to blockbuster and rent it.