Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Reflex Friend Codes

lets exchange yo. :)

Mwr # 4894-9870-2512-1135. Give me a pm if u wanna exchange. Skill lvls 40 and climbing. :p But yeah I`m a gamer girl, got addicted. So give me a pm if u want.
I just got Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex for the Nintendo Wii and it is amazing! The multiplayer in it is even more amazing than World At War's. But besides that, I'm looking for friend codes is anyone is ever interested in playing. My name on it is Beret and my friend code is:

Be sure to leave your friend codes here if you're interested. I'm also part of a Call Of Duty Clan that does regular battles and also has alot of people who are members and play alot! :wiimote:

ya mine is341975617286:lovewii:
just got cod 2 days ago and it's awesome i play online a lot!!! CODmw FC: 435299031357. add me!!
I am adding some of yall.....i play cod modern warfare reflex ::::

for anyone who wants to add me here are my digits.....


See yall soon.:yesnod:
I just got this game last week. I added a few of the people here...add me and send a message when you do.
Add me!


My Name is Dr. Evil, the highest kill streak ive had was 30 kills.. the most kills in 1 game is 50. ive played 5 times already

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