Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Reflex Friend Codes

mine is 0379-7925-681 or 037979256811 im adding alot of yall if yall could add me that would be great. RANK 23 name on there is kody
my lil bros code is 352556942444 add him evryone plz AGR/Grim his online name
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call of duty reflex

my friendcode is134438940609 i need friends asap i added everybody on this page add meee ps ive added your bro paulabear
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pm me if you add me my fc is in signature also join the ultimate assassins and together we shall rule the battlefield! just pm goalie2009 or HomieG
I just got Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex for the Nintendo Wii and it is amazing! The multiplayer in it is even more amazing than World At War's. But besides that, I'm looking for friend codes is anyone is ever interested in playing. My name on it is Beret and my friend code is:

Be sure to leave your friend codes here if you're interested. I'm also part of a Call Of Duty Clan that does regular battles and also has alot of people who are members and play alot! :wiimote:

heyy my cod name is piles and i added u ,so here is my friend code is 2929-7396-5229 add me as soon as u can
What's up!
I just wanna play so here's my friend code ;D


Add me and lets play ;D
best in TEAM DEATHMATCH 37-5-7,kill streak 20.... F.C 442 501 995 288 "forsaken"....... anyone that adds me can u please send me a private message include your F.C,thanks
i added you, add me 0125-7933-4849

Here's my friend code: 040550939529 for CoD MwR .
Hotmail me or send me a message on here to let me know you've added me so I can add you. I'm level 43 no prestige. I'm an alright player. Thanks.

:) :)

namez sharinmara its also my uesrname in cod mw reflex, i'm lookin for sum clans/online play/friend codes, mi code is 537529429945,wats urs?

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