Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Reflex Friend Codes

HEY ALL, been on call of duty [reflex] quite awile on 4th 5th reset lv 30-40 around that and just wanted to get some new freinds!!! :D my clan got trashed a couple days ago >D: so i was wanting to now if i could join yours!!! ehtier that im makking one called [',.,'] :DDDDDDD. i made a website for the IB clan before it got totaled so im takeing to to the next clan im in WANT THE WEBSITE? TO BE ALL URS FOR ULIMTED CHAT BETWEEN YOUR FREINDS :D. ALOS YOUR OWN CLAN. well..... start making one ill join :D as long as it has a resonable name :D non of the bull crap stuff about the other words for [but] or [nut] or sumthing like dat D: i dont wana here somehting like dat :D i just like killing people :D!!!!!!!!. well if you would like to have your own clan i would <333333333333333333 to help you make it BIGGGGGG if i do get some one that would like to make a clan go to all would like to join? FINE chat all you want :DDDDDD at this website CHAT ROOM 1 & 2 wait theres also videos if -coment- if your would like to have any videos from youtube your must ask that CLAN LEADER or if i get enough votes for it i would be pleased to put i on the website. ehtier that if i get one ask question about it and im happy ill just put it on their :DDDDDDDDDD. ALSO

FC: 5236-0925-3035
NAME: if have tones of names :D
come join GS we have 30 members and are growing stronger everyday we have NO requirments to join we are a mwr and waw clan
Call of Duty-Modern Warfare Reflex/Friend Code Exchange

im Lil.QD
I need friends for cod4 mwr
im have 3.02 KD RATIO
My friend code is in my sig
im on everyday
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if anyone wanna have a clan battle then hit me up and we can battle a team deathmatch 5 on 5 also gimme your friend code so i could send a invite to a private battle
Sup bro i want a friend who will stay near so we can pwn, if dis be u, than add me budd. 5314-1067-6742
Yea i will add you peps I am a CoD Modern Warfare reflex player and I am a very lively player, I play This game A LOT so here is my friend code: 3655-1615-3100 (the hiphen just makes it look better) I am only adding people who play quite a bit (msg me if u are a live player and add your friend code)
I just got Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex for the Nintendo Wii and it is amazing! The multiplayer in it is even more amazing than World At War's. But besides that, I'm looking for friend codes is anyone is ever interested in playing. My name on it is Beret and my friend code is:

Be sure to leave your friend codes here if you're interested. I'm also part of a Call Of Duty Clan that does regular battles and also has alot of people who are members and play alot! :wiimote:
Hey i play a decent amountand above average game play, hope we can be friends, here is my fc 4402-9346-0512:burgerking:

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