Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Reflex Friend Codes

it's amazing! there are more options in gaming and playing with you friends are made easier with a "Join game option", idk if invites show during gameplay(because i don't have many friends left), but there is an Invite Section. I would recommend.
it's amazing! there are more options in gaming and playing with you friends are made easier with a "Join game option", idk if invites show during gameplay(because i don't have many friends left), but there is an Invite Section. I would recommend.
Yeah the invite shows during gameplay.
my fc is 2202-7111-2326 and the name is Captain_Ej im adding almsot all of u guys so just put me in and we can get to playin
Thank you guys soo much! :) Maybe you will see me on when i get it.. Probably my name would have "girl" in it cuz i am :) LOLZ., anyways Thank you guys im gana go buy it cuz of u! ;)
:lovewii: Of course ill add u finally a game where im usually not da only girl! >.< ill add as soon as i get it.. Thank you Meg...btw im Sara
i am very disappointed with the modern warfare reflex for wii....just kidding, this game is excellent in most of its aspects including its graphics, thing which ps3 gamers do not agree with us... The only thing i am really sad with, is the fact thata there is no mw2 for wii....Infity ward should have done the mw2 for the wii....i now think that they are just a bunch of lazy guys that didn't make the game for wii because the game had 'tooo' much graphics...they would had gained a lot of millions of dollars, but they are just too lazy. still...: MW2 rocks!

sorry the last sentence i wrote: 'MW2 rocks!'; but it should have been: MW rocks!
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