Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Reflex Friend Codes

Join war riot today

please join my new clan. it is for MWR, WAW, and Black Ops (when it comes out :) just go to the chat.

Here's my friend code: 040550939529 for CoD MwR .
Hotmail me or send me a message on here to let me know you've added me so I can add you. I'm level 43 no prestige. I'm an alright player. Thanks.

What is your reflex name?
Team AlphaGhost (Now Recruiting)

Im looking for some recruits to form a new clan anyone with a interest in joining please check out my official team blog at to sign up or post reply here and ill added u to the team roster. Team please put TAG/ on your name to help us id or team members. Alphaghost 5448 1421 0132
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