Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex Edition Friend Codes

my code number is 2317-2326-0969 im metallica

My MWR code is in my sig, but if your a moron here it is: 0191-3852-0861 I'll add everyone and I host private matches alot and my connections extremely good ^_^ Level 30 but I'm actually pretty good at it. Oh and my clan HippyHumpers is recruiting, taking anyone as long as your friendly. Also if you want add my Wii number too and I'll add both your MWR code and Wii code (So we can communicate on the Wii dashboard). I'll add some people above but if you posted a couple weeks ago I won't because I don't know if you even use these boards anymore lol. Reply with your FC.
im online right now so add me

Alright have you added me? I sent a friend request
and how do u get friends on codmwre what do i do

Hey sorry I've been inactive in the boards. I'm going to add your FC in just a minute, and if you added mine we'll be on each others friend lists :) If you've already added mine just wait and I'll add you in just a few minutes ^_^
hey pm me my friend codes 438559294086

Cool, cool. I'll add you as soon as I get on MWR. If anyone has WaWii, I'm getting that later on this week and I'll probably play that more (Less cheap stuff like noobtubers/lmgs) and we can team up then.
I've just added the following:

Toxic Frog

If anyone else wants to add me, my FC is in my signature. I'll add you back ASAP.