Call of Duty 5 Doesn't exist!!!

Well then set up a time, boy. Right now isn't a good time for either of us probably.. but, I also have a lot of work. Err, when do you have to return it?
Well then set up a time, boy. Right now isn't a good time for either of us probably.. but, I also have a lot of work. Err, when do you have to return it?

When I can be arsed to bike round to his:lol:
*puts on aviators, looks into sunrise then slouches onto sofa*

Most likely
Well then no rush you arse, aha. We can set up a time later this week maybe, I've just got a lot of summer work I've yet to complete. School is ultra ftl this year.
Well then no rush you arse, aha. We can set up a time later this week maybe, I've just got a lot of summer work I've yet to complete. School is ultra ftl this year.

I have 6ish weeks of summer left, with one week being put aside for summer work. So whenever mang.
Mmk babe. Summer work as in?

Essays, tasks and coursework. I realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly need to go out and find a job but things are limited for me currently.
Essays, tasks and coursework. I realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly need to go out and find a job but things are limited for me currently.
Aww, you're so darn cute and young. (((:) Have you turned 11 yet?
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  • #28
I wouldn't really call it a main installment, also there have been games that have have come out for the series that weren't called 2,3,4,5,6 etc. When call of duty five comes out it will say call of duty five right there on the case. Lol and by calling modern warfare 2 call of duty 6 it gives me this face o_O, in other words, you made yourself look dumb. I don't see you people calling halo wars halo 4. Or the how about the legend of Zelda ocarina of time, why is that not called Zelda 4? It's a main game is it not?
I don't see you people calling halo wars halo 4.
This is because Halo Wars isn't exactly a main Halo game. It's a strategy game, where as normal Halo is not. Halo also goes in a series, and COD, I'm pretty sure, doesn't. It just tells different times in WWII (aside from MW1 and 2). (Haven't played them, so I might be wrong, but I have seen my friend play all of them).

Or the how about the legend if Zelda ocarina of time, why is that not called Zelda 4? It's a main game is it not?
The Zelda series doesn't really use numbers, in case you haven't noticed.
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  • #30
What about sonic then? Sonic cd? Or the new halo coming out? And Mortal kombat?Also super Mario?
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