Call of duty 3 Shocking multiplayer news

Ok, someone with CoD3 for the Wii go HERE and backup your Wii save to an SD card, back that up and replace it with the correct save. This way, you can check if it's real or not.
one sec... how do you know these save file we beaten with hard setting... i beat it with normal and i got all the movies and junk. until i know someone went and beat it in hard i won't think this is a lie....
I don't know if it's beaten on hard or not since i don't have the game. I'd try it myself if i owned the game. It's worth a try and to see if they have hard beaten or not. That way, if they were beaten on hard you wouldn't have need to waste time trying to beat hard. If they aren't beaten on hard, it was worth a try anyways.
Wow, Axtlar, if you're joking, people are probably gonna be pissed. Don't be retarted, no nee to make stu up. Sovieto has to be right, they were just too lazy to remove muliplayer in the map. Also, what the hell do you mean by co-op? Why didn't they put multiplayer in, would have made it better. Anyways, I wish you were right Axtlar, would have made the game a lot better what were they thinking:eek:ut:
On gamespot someone said you need to beat it in hard 3 times in a row without dieing...

No, it's realy all a lie:drool:
hmmmm......... if they intended to have muti player they would have advertise it so it would help with the sells. but i do hope you are right that would be cool.
once you beat the game you unlock multiplayer its not online its only to play with a friend or something.

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