calibrating the remote


WiiChat Member
May 8, 2007
when using the wii remote, the cursor on screen always winds up being either way too high or low, depending on whether the sensor bar is set above or below the tv. it's actually right on in regards to the left-right position of the cursor, it's just the vertical position of the cursor that's off.

i've set everything up correctly; the sensor bar is in the right place, the sensitivity is right, and i've selected the correct settings for using the bar above or below the screen. the cursor only seems to appear in the middle of the screen when i'm aiming directly at the sensor bar itself, not the tv screen. i have the same problem when using a different remote

it's very frustrating to play games involving shooting of any kind with the remote off like this. i expected to find some sort of setting for calibrating the remote, but apparently there isn't one. has anyone managed to solve this problem?
I have noticed this too (especially on this large screen), unfortunately the sensorbar calibration tool in the Wii settings does not allow you to adjust it, and you will have to live with it until nintendo updates the firmware (hopefully they will add a better calibration tool)

Certain games have a better calibration tool built in, like Zelda. you can raise and lower the aim point of the wiimote, and you can set the "width" of your TV too, to make L&R pointing better. which makes for a much more accurate pointing system.

It might be worth sending an e-mail to Nintendo tech support to let them know you are having a problem....It might make them work faster on it if they get enough e-mails.
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It is simply the method of your pointing. Most people point "relatively". That is they don't point DIRECTLY at the screen. Kinda like a mouse. To most (actually all so far) feel comfortable this way.

I believe you are trying to light gun it or something.
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there's nothing reflective near the sensor bar and the lighting is normal. i'm also sure my aiming isn't to blame.... in order to hit the center of the screen with the cursor, i have to aim with the remote about one foot lower than the tv, nearly aiming at the floor. i can't possibly be faulted for that!

i've been getting by just trying to get used to the offset calibration, and it does work well enough for easy parts of a game, but whenever there's something that requires you to aim quickly and precisely, it's hopeless, which is why i'm complaining so much...:zzz:

downloading updates sounds like the best hope, thank you

doncha hate n00bs who ignore a good post?

I'm sure a rare few have wii setups where the tv is EXACTLY in line with the cursor..... :nonod:
Brawny said:
It is simply the method of your pointing. Most people point "relatively". That is they don't point DIRECTLY at the screen. Kinda like a mouse. To most (actually all so far) feel comfortable this way.

I believe you are trying to light gun it or something.

That is what I am thinking too. Or his hardware is defective. Or he is not setting something up right.
Yeah, "OH NOES when I point my mouse at my computer screen, the cursor doesn't move. I think I need service pack 3!!!!!!11one111!"
I had problems with my Classic Controllers when they first arrived. At time the Classic Controller would not be able to control the cursor on the Wii Main Menu and sometimes when playing DBZ I could not use the A button on the Classic Controller to confirm exit on the in game DBZ menu, though it work perfectly in game performing moves...

After reading the details on the Wii Classic Controller manual (card board), I found that sometimes the Wii Remote would need calibrating. By pressing the +, -, 1 and 2 buttons simultaneously and holding for 3 seconds the Wii Remote would re-calibrate itself. I found this method works for the Classic Controllers and may work for the Wii Remote in general also.

Give it try and post your results...

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