Buying DDR: Mario Mix


WiiChat Member
Oct 15, 2007
DDR: Mario Mix has been discontinued (I think most GameCube games have, but they are plentiful in shops) and it's really hard to find. I called about 20 stores today, some hadn't even heard of it. I know currently there's one on (I live down under and obviously I can't buy the NTSC ones), but I don't have the money at the moment, getting more in about 3 days, and it stops in 20 hours.

Does anyone know if there's like a big warehouse (lol) or something in Australia, or if anyone has one they don't need sell it on eBay?

Thanks =]

EDIT: Another one has been put up on eBay, and I returned one of my games. As a last resort, there's one available in GameTraders in another state, but it's $145 AU. Does anyone know the RRP?

EDIT [2]: Success! I just bought the one on eBay for $63!
But, lol, I doubt anyone hear has read this because the title might have put them off, and there's only 18 page views. Oh well...
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Ooh, $63 for Mario Mix?

I don't know how hard it is to find in Australia, but I had trouble finding it when it first came out here in the U.S.

Unfortunately, I sold mine to GameStop last year in a rush to get money to buy the Wii. I really wish I hadn't. I still have the dance pad, though.
That was a painful move, I have this game and although I can't play it to save my life excellent DDR players will find it mediocre, there's always been criticism for how easy it is. It goes much slower compared to the original arcade games, you should have researched before buying it.

I don't know your reason for buying it though, could possibly be losing weight or whatever, but I highly doubt anyone has bought it for that reason. But, it does the job.

I have this game, I like whipping it out when my friends come over, they seem to love it but always end up knackered after their first song and resort to playing it with the GameCube controller. Playing with the controller was always something I'd prefer, but this game was just too easy with it and was obviously designed for okayish players at DDR.
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Frogger said:
That was a painful move, I have this game and although I can't play it to save my life excellent DDR players will find it mediocre, there's always been criticism for how easy it is. It goes much slower compared to the original arcade games, you should have researched before buying it.

Ahaha, I can't play it well either. =D

I kinda did research a bit, I'm not that much of a hardcore DDR-er. I think it's an enjoyable experience; it could have used more songs, however. The GC controller makes it hard for me to use. =S

On a side note, does anyone know if action pads are region unlocked? I would assume so, as GC controllers are already, so yeahhh. Oh, and also I think the Wii DDR game uses the GC action pads, can anyone confirm that the Wii pads will be compatible with Mario Mix, and vice versa? Thanks..
GameCube paddles are region locked? :shocked:
I didn't know that...

Sorry, I couldn't answer your question, though. I didn't learn there was a DDR for Wii until yesterday, and I haven't got a clue about the action pads.

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