BUSINESS PLOT Help *Spoiler Warning*


WiiChat Member
Dec 10, 2006
hi, im on the business plot mission where i have to meet Kenzo Chiba and convince him to come on our side.

My problem is when i get to the room, have a sword fight with that guy, win over his repsect. but then loads of baddies come and i have to protect Kenzo and kill all the guys.

After killing all them, A small movie dialog screen comes up and says he's unlocked a back door? or something but i cannot find it anywhere in the room and when i walk up to the top floor i get mysteriously shot and die.

Theres one door on the bottom floor but it has a red hand so i cant open it and whenever i run up the stairs i just die?? is theres something gone wrong or am i missing something?

thanks for help
The door should be on the bottom floor, the camera shows you which door when you talk to him if its red wait a little bit then go see if you can open it sometimes the game just does that and doesn't let you go throuhg the door then moments later you can...weird
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Prez said:
Added spoiler warning.
Please put spoiler warnings on these type of threads in the future.

oops, sorry about that.

i've figured it out now, when i walked past his FRONT desk it then showed the door being opened. kinda stupid.

thanks for yourhelp

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