Buffalo Turbo G Wireless Adapter Question


Nov 16, 2006
Wii Online Code
Hi the i am currently looking for a adapter for my Wii to get online
This is the one i am look

My computer has internet from my dad's computer. Would the adapter still work?

Many Thanks

I dont believe that will work. The Wii has a Wireless adaptor built in. If you have a wireless router already then you dont need anything else. If you are looking to connect your wired network to your wii you will have to use the nintendo wired adaptor (I believe you plug eathernet from your network into the adaptor and it connects through the USB in the back of the Wii) or use the Nintendo wireless adaptor that sends the signal to the Wii. The adaptor you have here recieves signal to a computer.

You're most likely looking for a wireless router. That adapter is used for computers that don't have wireless cards to connect to a wireless network.
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  • #4
could u suggest a cheap one? (i'm in the U.K)
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  • #6
suppose i'll have to get it for my birthday since i am 14 and don't have much money now that i have spent it on the Wii!
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  • #7
Bobby1211 Would this router slow down my connection since it is already being used through to my computer from my dad's?
WIIMAN999 said:
Bobby1211 Would this router slow down my connection since it is already being used through to my computer from my dad's?
It will only slow down if the Wii is downloading something, and even then you most likely won't notice.

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