Broken Wiimote?


WiiChat Member
Jan 1, 2011
My daughter's :wiimote: has broken.

I have tried replacing batteries, resynching and it just will not power on.

When she puts it to charge, the charger just blinks.

She got it with Wii Play in Xmas 2008 and it still looks brand new, there are no dings on it to say it has been dropped.

Is there a anything else that could be wrong with it or shall i just buy her a new one?

Many thanks.

if it blinks, it might just not be connected to the wii properly. read the manual on resyncing wiimotes. it can take several tries before a wiimote syncs.
Its not recommended to place Wiimotes on Chargers where you connect it to Nun-Chucks. Some 3rd Party Chargers have been known to burn out the Wiimote's Circuitry. You may need a new one if problems persist.
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Thank you for your replies.

I will have another go re-syncing.

Its a Ngamers charger.

I have unplugged it and fingers crossed re-syncing will work.


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