Broken things are broken - welcome to 2008

I think debates can go in the 'White Noise' section, rather than requiring an additional sub-forum. And yes, we need some skin options, while the new layout may looks new and polished, it's still very bland at the core.
Why should good threads like debates be put alongside threads called "ROFL vs. LMAO", ":\ :) :]" and "Hoo hah! Haa? Huh? GAH!!". I'm sorry, that makes absolutely no sense to me.
I think debates can go in the 'White Noise' section, rather than requiring an additional sub-forum. .

I'd love to hear your reasoning behind that.

I'm gonna have to vote no on doing that. That doesn't make any sense.
The white noise section is for pointless threads.
Why's everyone flipping at FR.? He makes perfect sense.

Footy is ****, I hate it.
Gonna have to go with the majority this time..
The day debate forum is along side gah vs uh threads is the day Liverpool will win something and Rocket Ronnie takes up pro rugby.
18 League Champions, 5 European Cups, I don't even need to go on.

To everyone else, I apologise for this spilling out into here. But I simply cannot back down when attacked.
*has just stumbled upon this page*


rofl.I seem more nooby than before with a loss of 800 posts :/
My interpretation of the 'White Noise' section is for it to house topics that range from bleak/simple threads for entertainment, to rants and raves (which includes debating). I don't see how a thread's physical location can affect the content unless it's in a ridiculously placed section which is clearly not the case here. While I have no real authority here anymore, I'm just throwing my opinion out there.

Just to throw in, I've seen many forums operate/that have operated under the structure I've just mentioned and they've run just fine.

You may comment that the forum posted is actually a close archive. While this is true, the only reason for is closing was not a matter of content or immaturity (I'm a member there).
a couple weeks after the apocalypse i feel that i often hang between clicks on wiichat.

about the same time we added IPTV at my house so i'm curious if anyone else has felt some wiichat lags between clicks or if IPTV is a hog.
WiiChat is definitely lagging for me. It takes forever to refresh, double posting is more frequent, and browsing is generally much slower.
Same here. And the occasional lack of life makes me sadface.

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