Broken things are broken - welcome to 2008

haha! I see there's been a lot of changes lol

but at least the site is back up :)

yay! its like a new beginning!
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  • #78
Post count has always been a good debate.

The main reason i decided to remove the visibility of the post count from threads/posts was mainly due to the fact that many members have lost 100s if not 1000s (lol prinny).

It's likely that many would be quick to get their post counts back up to where they were, resulting in 10months of short spammy posts all over the forum.

The post count may/may not come back in the next few weeks once everything has started to settle down again :)
I don't, i0n. You really think we're so bent on getting our post counts back up to where they used to be that we would spam until we got them there?

I don't think I could even tell you what my post count was within a range of 1000 posts.
Same ol' Tyler. :lol:

So i0n, when are we getting our awesome icons Mike made? Sorry if i sound impatient.
I was getting close to 4000. Boo :p
I prefer post counts being visible to rep being visible.
Lol -waits for Apollo to come and add 74382974923742 members he's never spoken to to his friends list, overcompensating for the fact that most regulars can't stomach him-
They can both be visible, can't they?

I say everything should be reset...
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I was getting close to 4000. Boo :p
I prefer post counts being visible to rep being visible.
Lol -waits for Apollo to come and add 74382974923742 members he's never spoken to to his friends list, overcompensating for the fact that most regulars can't stomach him-

Me too.

And about Apollo, he lost my respect after Nicky told me something about him.
They can both be visible, can't they?

Yes they can. However, rep was originally hidden when some members thought of it as some sort of competition. So, people began begging and or asking for rep through their posts, signatures or private messages.

Syntax said:
Just to confirm, does this mean post counts will be back?

i0n said:
Yes, i guess the public have spoken.

Will add them back with the forum
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Why on earth have you gotten rid of the post count? Such a ridiculous idea.

If you want to get rid of competition then I don't know why the absolutely meaningless addition of the friend thing is there.
Why on earth have you gotten rid of the post count? Such a ridiculous idea.

If you want to get rid of competition then I don't know why the absolutely meaningless addition of the friend thing is there.

Syntax said:
Just to confirm, does this mean post counts will be back?

i0n said:
Yes, i guess the public have spoken.

Will add them back with the forum

Something about ten characters..

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