Broken things are broken - welcome to 2008

You moderators aren't quite active either...
Well some are...

Wait, mods can't make forum sections?

Actually, most of the time, moderators are online.

And no, only Administrators can add forums/categories.
That's a big if.

And the times when WiiChat does need something, it's not a new mod. Honestly, the times when people think 'omg we need a new moderator!' are overwhelmed by the times when people think 'omg. new admin. please.' Because, like Tyler said (<3), banning people is really not a problem... at all.
Old layout for me, this skin feels like a step backwards.

Though it isn't going to be done now, Mitch & Syntax are the only two I can see as being a 2nd Admin.. I'd say Prez, but where is he?

And Brownies, I'd hate to be offensive, but you're seriously coming off as i0n's shoe-shine boy.

Yeah that's a fair point, can't argue with what you said.

Hopefully over the coming weeks and months i can help to change that viewpoint.

Yeah, I hope so too. The fact that you actually responded to me, helps change my viewpoint alittle, hopefully this is a sign of better commitment from you. I know many others will be very happy with you if you accomplish these requests.
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  • #279
The old layout design was pretty badly coded and an absolute nightmare to upgrade.

Every vbulletin upgrade requires the templates to be reverted back to their default style. Which meant every template had to be re-edited again manually.

Couple that with html changes in the new templates and it became very laborious, and difficult to update.

Anyone remember the old security token error messages? That was a result of bits of left-over code from old templates.

Atleast now updating will be a whole lot easier as template edits are at a minimum, although it might be an idea to add a bit more colour, perhaps with the top header/navbar.
I've seen some other forums that have a list of styles (or layouts, whatever) to choose from and each user can use the one they prefer. Perhaps an option like that would satisfy everyone if it's possible here.

As for the current style, I'm still getting used to it but I don't hate it.
People, quit asking i0n to become "more active". Isnt keeping your precious WiiChat running smoothly "active" enough?[/offtopic]

Question: (and I'm not sure it's been answered) Does anyone know of a way we can choose to view wiichat in the older layout? If not, this is fine, I was just wondering.
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^Nope, as i0n said it was very glitchy so I doubt it's ever coming back.

Thanks for replying to the whiners, i0n. I personally think you're running a great site here and that all the things people are complaining about are pretty minor things but a bit more activity from you couldn't hurt.

And either a PC forum or a general gaming forum would be awesome(having both would probably result in very low activity in all 3 non-wii gaming forums though).

And also an admin would have to be both someone who he could trust enough and someone who knows programming, right? I'm not sure if anyone would be applicable(maybe DT but he's not here no more) but I could definitely be wrong.
And I'm against a 2nd admin[2cents]

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