Official Iphone thread

This is spam and noobiness dont post here
It should be under the official apple thread
oh an btw im a guy
wii_cammy said:
This is spam and noobiness dont post here
It should be under the official apple thread
oh an btw im a guy
this is spam, and noobiness?
no wounder this forum is in such a state with members saying rubbish like this.
ciper said:
Missing high quality bluetooth audio combined with a non standard headphone plug makes it a pain in the ass to play music through your car.

It would have been PERFECT to pair the IPhone to an A2DP receiver in the car with NO WIRES! Well at least most cars are now coming with a headphone in jack but OOPS the iphone doesn't support a standard headphone connection without another bulky adapter :(

Doesn't anyone think its a major oversight? I feel that music in the car is how a majority of consumers listen to their MP3s

This is NOT an oversight. They were well aware of this. They know that this will allow them to make huge amounts of money on the accessories. I wonder how much they make off of each one?
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TacosTacos said:
This is NOT an oversight. They were well aware of this. They know that this will allow them to make huge amounts of money on the accessories. I wonder how much they make off of each one?
Could be true.

All I know is that I spent over 100$ in parts alone to get high quality sound from the Ipod in one of my cars. Apple screwed its consumers again and no one seems to mind. There are plenty of bluetooth speakers and headphones that are now not compatible.

ericlewis91 said:
i think its a wonderfull phone with lots of features and its cheap...look what it all has..amazing phone,internet,ipod
Cheap? I only know of 2 phones more expensive than the Iphone (not including the BMW with built in phone)

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