Bosses for Super Smash Bros Brawl

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  • #154
alexbel said:
what about lou (devil) from guitar hero 3

eggfag oops i mean eggman
and giga barney!
I think Eggman would be a good boss....:lol: But Giga Barny would reek!
I just hope they dont make the Zelda Boss from Twilight Princesss,cause I like Bellum and the Ghost Ship!!! Krackos the best Kirby Boss.....and Rayquaza is the Pokemon Boss,and I would also like Shadow Lugia....Petey Piranha is the Mario boss,and I also think Kamek should be a Mini-Boss in the DK level,where Bowser steals DKs Bananas.....King K.K. Rool is a Great DK boss....:lol: What about an Animal Crossing Boss?(<Sarcasm..But still is there one?) Or a Pikmin Boss?
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Pikmin boss will probably be a spotty bulborb or emperor bulblax.
also does anyone think that at the end of the story of someone wouldn't it be cool if it gave a clue for the next game of the series.
and we all know who the last boss is anyway:Ancient Minister. wouldn't it be cool to play as him?
Dyna Blade, and maybe the Big Barrel dude from Donkey Kong Country 1. Hell flick one of every person at u lmao
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  • #164
All posters must now talk about Bosses from Fox,Pikmin,Animal Crassing(lol),or anything not from Kirby,Mario,or Pokemon until I say so..........
Which will be in about 9 or 10 posts or so.........
Starfox: Pigma, Andross (SF 64 one)
Pikmin:King Bulborb
Animal Crossing: Possesed inhabitants of Animal Crossing (like multi-man melee)
Kid Icarus: Medusa, Eggplant Wizard
Ice Climbers: That pterydactl thing that has the eggplant
Legend of Zelda (you didn't say I couldn't!): Zant, Twinrova, Gohma, Volvagia
Metroid: Kraid, Mother Brain (cyborg version from super metroid), Chozo Statue

And about the Ancient Minister...
turns out he's the ROB you play as

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