BORING wii channels

fertago has a valid point, theres no point whining about them if you have them as it is your choice to download these channels.
I really do enjoy those extra channels actually, they're good for just filling time. Honestly, there's a lot of things you can do to fill your time if you don't like them so why complain?

Then again, with a favourite game such as SP3 I'd expect you to have a tiny attention span.
I admit most of the existing channels are lame. I wouldn't mind some more-interesting channels.
votes was fun for about 2 days. Check mii out is nice though, when im bored i just look around for funny/creative miis and take them back to my plaza. Its a good time killer, and can give you a few laughs. but nothing to spend mre than 20 mins on, and for free, im not complaining.
i hate the news channel. i dont use it but i like that i have the option to. i dragged the news channel to the last screen of channels.

i do like the check mii out channel cuz i dl some miis other people created. everyone votes is cool when im bored. photo channel could have more options, i wish i could downgrade back to have the mp3 support for one. the weather channel is cool but i wish it had a geographic game (puzzle or capital guessing)

i think the channels are great, not to say the channels couldnt be greatly improved. it would be nice if we could run channels off of sd cards. support larger sd cards as well. bookmarks to web pages would be a great channel. skype would be a cool channel (2 bad no headset and web cam support).

the loading time sucks on all of the channels in the simple ones. we should be able to switch channels on the fly. speaking of does any one know the memory specs of the wii?

at any rate channels are cool but everything and i mean everything could be improved and believe it or not that includes xbox live. maybe wiiware will have more then just games available, such as applications and widgets. if there were more good channels we(wii) wouldnt care if there were a few bad ones.

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